According to Wikipedia a megacities is usually defined as a metropolitan area with a total population excess of 10 million people. Mega cities can be distinguished from global cities by their rapid growth, new form of spatial population density, and both formal and informal economies, as well as poverty, crime, and high levels of social fragmentation. Since 2001, there are 18 megacities such as Tokyo, New York City, Mexico City, Mumbai, Seoul and others that had population in excess of 10 million of population. Although the emergence of megacities increase the economic growth and social lifestyles there are, still have the advantages and disadvantages for living in megacities.

The advantages for the people who lives in megacities is that they offer far more options in terms of culture, nightlife, restaurants, recreation, entertainment and jobs opportunity than the smaller cities do. Besides that, the modern technology makes the lifestyle of the people more comfortable and safer. Moreover, for the entrepreneur or businessperson, they can invest and find customers in the area and have no need to use multiple locations to find it. People, moving to a megacity is like giving them an opportunity to achieve their dream such as at Los Angeles (Hollywood). Mostly, the megacities are the place for the people to find the fame. For example, the American Idol, the Apprentice for the business and popularity. Because of this thing, many people start to move to megacities for supporting their life.

While, the disadvantages of living in the megacities is that quality of life can be lower than smaller cities in terms of living spaces, higher cost of living, lower quality of public services and infrastructures. All of these are causes by the lack of mentality on certain people about pros and cons to live in the megacities. To them, livings in the megacities are all about the luxury without thinking the side effect towards them. Next, they tend to have a large gap between the rich and the poor. The reason for these, the rich people are always conquering the lower class society for their own benefits. Furthermore, not all megacities offer the safety surroundings due to the high population of citizens that make some of them unemployed which leads them to commit crimes such as robbing, kidnapped the rich people, killing and social problems keep increasing. In addition, the climate quality also getting lower which cause the citizens to suffer from many type of unidentified diseases. For example, the spread of Swine Flu a.k.a H1N1 which is started to spread from the Mexico City.

In a conclusion, the words of “megacities” sounds fascinating and sophisticated that make people want to experience to live in it. However, it not really, as what we imagine it really are. The megacities can provide anything we want but it depend on us how to control it. The reason is if we too fascinated with the life of becoming a megacities citizen it can cause us to stumble onto ourselves. That is why many people that move to megacities have to find their own way to keep surviving in the metropolitan area.