A journalist is a person who practices journalism; they create report as a profession for broadcasting or publication in mass media such as newspaper, television, radio, magazines, documentary film, and the Internet. Reporters are one type of journalist. They find the sources for their work; the report can be either spoken or written but they are generally expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the public good. This profession also contributes to the country’s economy income.

We strongly agree that journalist’s responsibility is to tell the truth. This is because what people want to know is the truth stories, news and information. Besides that, they need to make

sure the society get the latest or update news. Moreover, it helps to create a sensitive or knowledgeable society or citizen to the surrounding environment and to the world wide events. At the same time, student especially needs variety type of information as the source of reference for them to do their studies, homework or assignment.

In addition, journalist also holds a significance responsibility to transfer the news and fulfill the society’s mind with an abundance of knowledge in order to create a society or citizens that have wide thinking, so that our people can compete with the upcoming nations and on the way to upcoming nations like Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa, Chile and many others country. Furthermore, by telling the truth, it would help the people to not get wrong interpretation on certain news or information that the journalist delivers.

Other than that, we are disagree with the view which state that journalist should help their newspaper or TV station make a profit by making the news sound more dramatic than it really is. It is good for theirs newspaper and TV station’s income but how far they can lie to the society? Besides that, telling a lie can cause people get wrong information and cause rumors. In some country, rumor can cause big issue which lead to war, racial conflict, many types of discrimination and many more. Likewise, people also would get wrong interpretation and makes the society confuse on news and information that reported by journalist.

In a nutshell, we all need journalist to telling us about the updates news, so that we can make any early preparation if there were emergency cases or situation. There is some philosophy fact state that
‘a good journalist will produce a good products’ and that so journalist should put in much effort to produce a great qualities of news.
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